The McCarthy Plan

      Love, TRUTH and better ideas for the sake of all nations of the world  

1.  A plan for secure and protected nations, for all nations of the world, by all nations of the world. 

2.  A nation is defined as a large body of people united by common descent, history, culture or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory.

3.  Nationalism is best defined as the love of and respecting not only one’s own nation the most, but the love of and respecting all other nations of the world equally. The duty of a nationalist is to ensure that the commanding heights of all institution’s of their respective nation, are occupied by a representation of the finest of their people, the good, wise and virtuous. This is fundamental to world peace.

4.  The creation of a Truly United Nations organisation, from which a true world order can be achieved and maintained, will be necessary to achieve Vision 2020. All currrent global organisations are tools of the international money power, the central banking cartel and are opposed to the idea of genuine peace between nations. A global conference on debt is necessary.   

5.  Each nation must be responsible for isolating and restraining the warmongers, secret societies and criminals within their nation. It will be necessary to create a department of peace within each nation state in order to maintain collective security for all nations.

6.  It will be necessary to create many new nations, with borders peacefully negotiated by a representation of the good wise and virtuous, found within all peoples, always keeping in mind Vision 2020

7.  Ideally, all nations will have borders formed along natural features, such as rivers, ridge lines and coastlines.

8.  Each nation will maintain possession of the natural resources of their nation and must be responsible for the protection and management of those resources, extracted from beneath the surface land and territorial waters of the nation, oil, minerals etc. Foreign assistance, as a junior partner, in the management and extraction will be welcomed when necessary. The necessity to extract such materials will be determined by a united world council, within the Truly UN. Non renewable resources and their necessity in global industrialization must be collectively determined by the good, wise and virtuous people of the world, gathered together at the Truly UN. The book, Blip by Christopher Clugston, will help in the understanding of the necessity of this policy.

9.  All nations will have secure, protected and internationally recognized and respected borders.

10.  All military training will occur within a nations borders, territorial airspace and territorial waters, never beyond these. 

11.  In securing its borders, each nation need only provide enough of a security force to ensure its borders are not breached by any foreign person or persons intent on illegal entry. Also, to ensure that its own citizens do not exit their nation through any point other than legally recognized departure points, ie. air and seaports or international border crossing points.

12.  Standing defence forces and military hardware will be situated at a respectful distance away from neighbouring national borders.

13.  Well behaved foreign tourists should be welcomed in all nations.

14.  Well behaved foreign temporary ESSENTIAL guest workers should be welcomed in all nations.

15.  If a foreigner commits a crime that demands a term of incarceration, that sentence must be served in a secure civilized labour and education facility. Upon release, they must be deported back to their ancestral homeland and receive a life ban from the nation in which their crime was committed.

16.  Miscegenation, for the sake of the children and the cohesiveness and strengthening of the nation, is something to be discouraged. Studies indicate that this, on balance, is a problematic behaviour. For sociological, biological and psychological reasons, nations may choose to discourage or may find it necessary to legally deny such behaviour.

17.  Where miscegenation has occurred, it would be best that children resulting from such relationships, be welcomed as belonging to the nation of their father’s bloodline and that their other race/ethnic group mother be welcomed as a member of that nation also. They may choose to live as legal foreign self supporting residents abroad, or as foreign temporary ESSENTIAL guest workers.

18.  Foreign residents that are not temporary ESSENTIAL guest workers, must be self supporting and well behaved. Their temporary residency status will be reviewed annually.

19.  All current citizen status given to non-native single foreigners, will be changed to temporary residency, dependent on periodic review. Voluntary repatriation or deportation to their ancestral homeland may be necessary.

20.  A foreign woman marrying a native citizen, would be awarded citizenship after a period of time. Each nation will decide its own terms and  conditions when awarding citizenship to a foreigner. Allowing dual citizenship would be best discouraged due to the problems caused by dual loyalty.

21.  If a marriage to a foreigner results in a divorce, then the citizenship of the foreigner will be revoked and a status of temporary residency will be given if children have resulted from the marriage. This will be reviewed annually.

22.  Citizenship would be best given to anyone who had at least one parent who was native to the land. Ideally, this would be to the fathers ancestral homeland. If the mother was native, then it would be best if she was welcomed as a new citizen in her foreign race/ethnicity husbands ancestral homeland, along with all of their children.

23.  A national passport allowing foreign travel, would best be a legal right and issued only to the non-criminal citizen. Former criminals may apply for a passport and their application be considered case by case.

24.  Any philosophy, mystery school or religion, publicly promoted, that regards those that do not adhere to its doctrine or beliefs, as being less than fully human and not worthy of full respect as a fellow human being, may be criminalized.

25.  A nations infrastructure would be best nationalised and supportive of private investment and cooperation where necessary. Any foreign investment must be as a minority shareholder.